Fanny is a mobile developer and an accessibility expert. She cares about people and the planet and decided 4 years ago to work exclusively on project that have a positive impact on people and the planet. She works for example for Treely, MSF foundation and Valentin Haüy foundation as a freelancer. She also assists companies in addressing accessibility and GreenIT aspects within their projects.
Fanny Demey
Office hour: GreenIT and Accessibility
Come discuss with Fanny Demey Senior mobile engineer / GDE Android and Emmanuel Demey Frontend Expert about GreenIT, Accessibility and more.
Talk Title
The environmental impact of mobile apps : Truth or Dare?
We spend our days developing applications with the aim of revolutionizing the world, solving problems, or creating new uses. But are we aware of the impact this can have on our environment?
Unfortunately, we are convinced that we are not. By blaming other sectors of our economy as responsible for the climate change, we never question the impact of our industry, which grows significantly year after year.
After an overview of the impact of the digital on the environment, we will share some best practices to apply as mobile developers.